Friday, December 16, 2011

Before and After Weight Loss Motivation

We've just launched revised and updated versions of the virtual weight loss apps. They are a fun way to track your weight loss progress.

There is a male version and a female version. You can see your weight loss progress with a virtual model of your heaviest weight, your current weight and your ideal, goal weight (based on your height).

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Saving Your Settings in the Weight Loss App (Fixed)

We've fixed a bug in the app that prevented people from saving their settings. If you got the app before January 6th, please update it at the App Store and it will work correctly now. Sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

The app is available at iTunes here.

hope you enjoy!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Weight Loss Motivation App for the iPad

This app helps you visualize your weight loss. It's the best motivation for losing weight!

You begin personalizing the model by setting your current height and weight as well as your heaviest weight and your goal weight.

Keep a track record of your weight loss and visualize how you'll look when you reach your next lower weight goal.

Your model is based on BMI calculations so she will look different for women who weigh the same but are different heights.

Update: December 16th, 2011. See the newly updated female version on your iPhone, iPad or iTouch.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I Lose It - Weight Loss Avatar

We've just released a new version of our virtual weight loss model. This new iPhone app involves completely redesigned versions of the models. Check it out, it's only 99 cents in the store Virtual Weight Loss App

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Virtuelles Gewichtsverlustmodell - an iphone app.

Beobachten Sie ihren Gewichtsverlust an dem Modell.

Passen Sie ihr Modell individuell an- an ihr momentanes Gewicht, ihr Wunschgewicht, ihr schwerstes Gewicht und ihre Größe.

Ihr Modell basiert auf BMI-Berechnungen. Deswegen wird das Modell von verschieden großen Frauen mit dem gleichen Gewicht unterschiedlich aussehen.

Bitte geben sie ihre Daten in Kilogramm und Zentimetern ein.

Wählen Sie Haut- und Haarfarbe für ihr Modell, sowie die Farbe für die Schuhe und die Kleidung.

Sie können ihren täglichen oder wöchentlichen Gewichtsverlust verfolgen.

Männer benutzen bitte ein ähnliches Modell: Virtual Weight Loss Avatar for Men

Einige Kommentare:

"Es ist sehr motivierend, wenn man seinen Gewichtsverlust an seinem persönlichen virtuellen Modell beobachten kann! Vielen Dank für so eine tolles Hilfsmittel!"

"Dieses Modell spiegelt genau deinen Weg zu deiner perfekten Figur. Es ist viel besser und anschaulicher als eine gefühlslose Grafik."

"Sehr einfach zu gebrauchen! Es hat mir wirklich geholfen, mein Ziel zu verfolgen.
Wenn ich etwas Süßes essen wollte, habe ich nur einen Blick auf mein Modell zu werfen und dann habe ich mich für einen gesunden Snack entschieden."

"Schnuckelig" - es ist einfach zu gebrauchen und macht Spaß.

Wir hoffen, das dieses virtuelle Hilfsmittel Sie bei ihrem Gewichtsverlust motivieren wird. [iTunes Link]

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Weight Loss Avatar for Men

Check out our new iPhone app for seeing your weight loss progress in a visual way.

It's based on your BMI calculations so it will look different for men who are the same weight but different heights. We hope it's a fun motivational aid for your weight loss goals.

You can customize your virtual avatar with your current weight, goal weight, heaviest weight and your height. Enter your personal data in pounds or kilograms, inches or centimeters (and quickly convert between them).

You can also customize your skin and hair color as well as the clothing and shoe colors.

The app also records your daily or weekly weight to help you keep track of your weight loss progress. Check out the Virtual Weight Loss Avatar for Men at the iTunes store.

Update: December 16th, 2011. Our newly updated app just launched. See the new weight loss app here.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Virtual Weight Loss - A new iPhone app

See your weight loss progress in a visual way.

We are introducing a new iphone app to help with people's weight loss goals.

We first developed the virtual weight loss model almost three years ago as a google gadget. Lots of people have been using it and find it fun and motivational. Now we've added a few additional features and have created it as an iPhone app.

You can find it at the iPhone app store under Virtual Weight Loss Model.

You can see your weight loss progress with this virtual model. Customize it with your current weight, goal weight, heaviest weight and your height.

The model is based on body mass index (BMI) calculations. So it will look different for people who are different heights but who weigh the same. If people like it we'll be adding more options, including a male model.

Depending on your preference, you can input your personal data in pounds or kilograms, inches or centimeters.

You can customize your model's skin and hair color, shoe and dress color.

The app also includes a page where you can keep track of your daily weight change.